Women Veterans Network Australia (WVNA) is Australia's oldest and largest not-for-profit charity organisation supporting women veterans.
The mission of WVNA is: Connecting past and present women who have served in the Australian Defence Force with social support, resources & information.
We connect and support past and present women who have served in the Australian Defence Force, their communities and ex-service organisations across Australia.

Our story began with an online chat between a number of women veterans about setting up a Facebook page for women whom have served in the Australian Defence Force.
In October 2013 the first women veterans Facebook page, called Women Veterans Association Australia (WVAA) was established. The aim of this page was to share posts of general interest to women veterans.
In February 2014, our organisation held our first face-to-face catch up in Townsville, QLD.
By the end of the year we were hosting catch-ups online and face-to-face all around Australia.
In July 2015, the RSL funded a Women Veterans Symposium in Brisbane. During this Symposium: a number of serving and ex-serving women veterans held pivotal conversations regarding the unique nature of women's military service, and particularly how they sought support after transitioning from the military, and the issues relating to perceptions towards young female veterans.
Following the Symposium, Ramon Fenton and Barbara Craven-Griffiths expanded from the WVAA facebook page – and they established a national Network of closed Facebook groups for women veterans: called the Women Veterans Network Australia (WVNA) on 25th July 2015.
The early founders' impetus was to provide a safe, cohesive, and engaging environment for current and ex-servicewomen to connect and share information and resources via social media. Particularly noting that similar or shared experiences of military service - regardless of service, rank, age, locality or the number of years of service, creates a fundamental bond that can be incredibly welcoming and supportive.
WVNA was incorporated in Queensland as an association on the 5th August 2016.
WVNA was registered as a not-for-profit charity organisation as of the 1st July 2017.
The initial objectives of WVNA were to:
Assist women veterans in Australia to connect to share information and access services
Provide an environment for women veterans to network effectively on social media and local
Liaise with veteran organisations to focus on the specific health and wellbeing needs of woman veterans to ease transition, isolation and assist with readjustment problems
Obtain funding through donations, grants and fund raising to support women veterans
Provide funding to regional WVNA groups to support women veterans
Pivotal early leadership by Nicky Rothwell created a large network with some incredible achievements. Notably, the By-the-Left campaign, and the Our Spirit book publication.
The Australian wide facebook pages – both the Women Veterans Network Australia – WVNA and the closed Member-only- Women Veterans Network Australia Forum are the largest female veteran social media platforms in Australia. WVNA also has a presence on Instagram and Linkedin.
Our Journey